At Dementia Specialist Consulting Judy Berry, an award winning dementia specialist and national speaker, believes that training both professional and nonprofessional staff and families is the core foundation in understanding Dementia & the sometimes challenging behavior that often appears as their disability progresses. Below are some of the topics that Judy travels around the country and abroad talking about and training staff in the ever evolving healthcare settings. All training can be customized to your audience
Changing the Paradigm, Seeing Dementia Differently;
WHY? Research has shown there is a direct correlation between what a caregiver believes about advancing dementia and the amount of effort they will put into communicating with a person who has lost their communication skills.
My Journey from Pain to Passion– The Birth of the Lakeview Ranch Model of Specialized Dementia Care®.
WHY? Learn from my own personal journey that we ALL have the power in us to make positive changes that will make a significant difference in the lives of those with dementia. WE CAN IMPROVE the Quality of Life of our Seniors! Just don’t take NO for an answer and NEVER GIVE UP
Prevention vs Treatment for Dementia Related Behavior
WHY? By re-appropriation of funds to appropriate staffing and extensive ongoing staff training and support, daily RN support and a focus on “Pro- active Disease Management & Prevention” rather than “Treatment” , for persons suffering from dementia of varying causes, the Lakeview Ranch Model has been able to ensure the highest quality of life possible for its residents and significantly enhances quality of life for residents and reduces the overall medical, social and economic costs of this population.
Challenging Behavior– What does it mean?
WHY? Any type of behavior IS a form of communication. Prevention is Key. Along with loss of communication skills come heightened emotional needs. Fear, Frustration, Anger, are common when a person cannot express what they want to say. We need to learn to read non-verbal communication and discover the underlying need, feeling, or emotion.
Behavior is NOT just the reaction of a diseased brain
Seeing the PERSON Within; Validation of Feelings & Emotions
WHY? I am a person with dementia! WHO DO YOU SEE?
I am still me, the very same person you have always known with the same feelings, emotions and human need to be valued as a whole worthwhile person. I am NOT fading away before I take my last breath. I am NOT a shell of who I was! I AM STILL ME!
Supportive Transitions to Out of Home Shared Care for Persons with Dementia
WHY? The Buddy System is used to build a trusting relationship, with each new resident, which is a critical piece and basis for all communication. This is necessary to alleviate fear, provide one consistent caregiver, promote feeling of safety, assess likes & dislikes, communicate with all other staff about history and special wants and needs, and introductions to other residents who would possibly have similar interests as the new resident based on their history.
Culturally Sensitive Dementia Caregiver Training
WHY? American has always been and still is a melting pot of various cultures. Throughout the US today our seniors with dementia from all cultures are struggling to have their basic human needs met simply because our specialized dementia caregiver training, does not, understand, recognize or respect the cultural backgrounds and differences of the persons we care for, and in addition does not address appropriately language barriers, which become even more important to seniors with dementia that struggle with communication of their needs